Effective Deposition Skills for Experts teaches the expert how to effectively wield both a sword and shield in deposition. In an era where most cases settle short of trial, deposition is the expert's most important participation in a case. A prepared expert who can persuasively and effectively convey expert opinion in deposition, while defending his credentials and positions, is worth his weight in gold. An unprepared expert can cause significant damage to his side of the case. No lawyer is willing to hire an expert who is unprepared to effectively participate in a case. We teach you how to be effective and increase your value as an expert through personalized programs designed to provide you with the tools to succeed, strengthen your reputation as a go-to expert, and provide you with a foundation upon which to build a thriving expert witness practice.
Expert Report Writing
There is an art to persuasive and effective expert reports in the context of litigated matters. Most jurisdictions now require the expert participating in a litigated matter to submit a report of his findings and opinions and foundation therefor. The format and content of a useful and persuasive expert report does not come by accident. Attention to detail is important. Once you learn how to write a persuasive expert report, you can apply the technique to all of your future expert endeavors. We teach you how.
Curriculum Vitae and Case List Preparation
A prepared expert shines through his curriculum vitae, which precedes him in any deposition. A properly prepared Curriculum Vitae can give the expert substantial credibility before he even opens his mouth at deposition. We can show you how to strategically and effectively prepare your curriculum vitae and case list for success.